Nice to meet you, I’m Harley

I'm a tech lead turned CEO, founder and investor based in Cape Town. I invest in and help build start-ups while also teaching developers how to rapidly accelerate their careers.

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/ My story

In 2016, I was let go from my first job as a software developer.​

I didn't know how to build software. I didn't understand how to work with clients. I couldn't pick up new things fast enough. I was falling behind.

​People said I had chosen the wrong career. That I wouldn't amount to anything and that I should try something else.

​I refused to accept this. Instead, I built a system and a new mindset.

​I studied the tactics, tools and approaches that incredibly successful developers use and implemented it for myself. ​The results were pretty phenomenal.

​In 6 years, I went from an intern to a tech lead & CEO. I've applied that system and mindset every single day for the past 6 years and the results speak for themselves.

​→ Intern to tech lead in 5 years at a multinational 50+ developer consultancy
→ Lead multiple teams to successful delivery
→ Helped 100s of other developers rapidly grow and accelerate their careers
→ Created platforms that are used by 100 000s of users
→ Invested in and helped found multiple startups that are disrupting their industries
→ Co-founded my own development agency to help other founders, startups and companies build their platforms​

/ My goal

My goal is to teach every developer who is early in their journey, what I learned late in mine.

→ How to learn concepts fast
→ How to increase your productivity and output
→ How to engage with your team and client
→ How to be a better leader to those around you
→ How to navigate moving from junior to tech lead

If I can help you get to where I am in less time than myself then I’ve done my job.